What Are Some Of The Common Things That Citric Acid Is Used For?

When looking at ingredients lists for some of your favorite foods, you might have noticed citric acid listed as an ingredient. However, you might have never used it when making food and beverages yourself. If this is the case, you might be curious about what citric acid is used for. These are some of the most common things that this ingredient is used for. It Adds Great Flavor First of all, you should know that citric acid has a rather sour, citric-like taste, similar to what you might expect from a lemon or lime. Read More 

4 Vegan Uses For Avocado Powder

A vegan lifestyle can improve your health and save you money. However, adjusting to eating a vegan, plant-based diet can be tricky at first. You'll likely find yourself cooking more so you can control the ingredients that go into your food. Having the right supplies, such as avocado powder, on hand can help. Here are four vegan uses for avocado powder: 1. Replace yogurt in your smoothies Smoothies are a healthy way to start your day. Read More 

4 Tips for Making Delicious Ice Cream

Ice cream is a versatile dessert that can be served a number of ways. It can be paired with hot fudge and chopped nuts to create an ice cream sundae. It can even be served in a sugar cone or blended into a milkshake. Gourmet ice cream is a crowd-pleaser, especially when the weather is hot. Follow these tips to make delicious ice cream that will have your customers coming back for more: Read More